LED lights, acrylic glass, colored film and power adapter, with or without mounting rails.
140 x 40 x 4 cm Ed. of 6 + 2 AP, 2023
Pink concrete, 10x8x6cm, edition of 10 + 1 AP, 2023
125 grams real peanuts from local discount store, 125 grams pure gold 99.9%, dimension variable, edition of 3 + 1 AP, 2021
Lacquered 3D-print, OLED-screen, motion detector and microprocessor, 20x20x110cm (incl. pedestal and display case), edition of 6 + 1 AP, 2020
Neon and lacquered iron, 19x17x53cm, edition of 3 + 1 AP, 2019
UV-print on Carrara marble, 35x22x7mm each, overall dimensions variable, edition of 50 + 10 AP, 2020
UV-print on Carrara marble, 35x22x7mm each, overall dimensions variable, edition of 50 + 10 AP, 2020
Mentally dispose your emotional rubbish.
(neon and argon, paper, 72x64x32 and 36x32x16cm, edition of 3 + 1 AP each, 2017 and 2018)
What are the traps in your life?
(neon, wood, copper and paint, 147x69x9cm, edition of 3 + 1 AP, 2018)
What are you holding on to? What to let go?
(neon and argon, wood and rope, ca. 300x220cm, single edition, 2018; single clothespins, 72x9x6cm, as edition of 6 + 1 AP each)
Be unique and stand out, dare yourself.
(neon, white, different colored plastic layers, 220cm, unique, 2017)
What is true and what is fake? Whom to believe?
(neon, white, newspapers, magazines and Barbie doll, 40x20x10cm, edition of 6 + 1 AP, 2017)
Protection, cage or mask?
(neon and plastic, pink and white, 40x25x30cm, edition of 6 + 1 AP/color, 2017 and 2018)
Love as a product to profit from or is it more?
(neon, yellow and pink, aluminum, edition of 6 + 1 AP/color, 45cm, 2017 and 2018)
What is cool?
(neon, aquamarine, plastic, 30cm, edition of 6 + 1 AP, 2018)
Time progresses inexorably. Enjoy it.
(neon, pink and white, edition of 6 + 1 AP/color, 50cm, 2017)
Could somebody clean-up this mess?
(neon, blue, wood, horsehair and plastic, single edition, 2017)